Monday, January 21, 2008


My wife received an email that seems to be making its way around.

The email had many accusations, such as
-- “Barack Hussein Obama was born to …a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and … a white Atheist from Wichita, Kansas.”
-- Obama’s stepfather “introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL ISLAMIC teaching that is followed by Muslim terrorists.”
--“Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ.”
--“While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama has been photographed turning his back to the flag and slouching.”

This email representsa subtle and especially potent form of racism. Racism demeans human beings by demonizing character and creating an element of fear. This was exactly Hitler’s tactic against the Jews. It is one thing to openly debate a person’s political ideas, but it is another to make devastating accusations against his or her character.

Don't stand for this.



TAR said...

Until humans admit that we come from the same DNA, which we do- Until humans admit that we come from the same Creator, which we do- Until humans admit that our judgements are self serving to the point we have defined the Unknown to fit our self centered needs, which we have done through history, then we will continue to repeat our distructive behavior. For those with prejudice I would ask: "What is it about your being that makes you the favor of the Creator?" Only those who worship themselves will answer. In other words as was spoken by prophets, poets, religions, in every age, on every continent, in every language as the poet Auden said: "Love each other or perish"


Well said!


Unknown said...

Excellent points!
I did some additional digging. Here is a link to Obama's responses on the subject. Thanks Nathan.

Unknown said...

here is the link...

Adam Gonnerman said...

I blogged about this a while back. Sad. People are so quick to believe the worst.

Hope is a virtue that few in our day seem willing to develop.

Mike Patricia & Evy said...

Hey, Nathan! I Googled you to see if you had a blog and to see if you had anything to say about the speech today.

Patricia Johnson (aka Patti Metcalf)

ben said...

is your aol account still active? this is ben carter. if not, drop me a line at notbencarter at gmail.